Frequently Asked Questions
Sue’s maiden name was Bartlett and from that her nickname became ‘Barty’!
You can wash them with warm soapy water, rinse, lightly dry and leave on its edge.
Do not leave them soaking in water and don’t put them in a dishwasher.
Do not put them in an oven or microwave.
Over time the board may start to dry out a little.
When this happens rub in some mineral oil this will enhance the boards appearance and extend it’s life.
Definitely not! Wash with warm soapy water, do not soak.
The bowls have a food safe lacquer on them so they are fine with a dressing on a salad or some pasta.
Do not leave liquid in them overnight.
The bowls are not suitable for fruit punches or jelly.
Preferably not. Marble is not as tough as it looks and is, surprisingly, quite porous. Sharp knives used for cutting may make small cuts in the surface, so it is better not to cut on marble but instead use it for serving and presentation.
Avoid placing acidic foods such as lemons and other citric fruit on the marble as these will etch the surface.
Where possible, yes.
All the basketware is ethically sourced and our suppliers ensure that all basketware is made where:
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
- Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week exceed the national average for this craft.
- Working hours are not excessive.
- Employment is freely chosen.
- Regular employment is provided
Our supplier’s partner has attained SEDEX and ISO9001 status and is regularly audited by the appropriate organisations.
All of the woodware is sourced from sustainable forests and some has FSC Accreditation.
Much of it is harvested from plantations which have an afforestation policy.
Yes, to a point. Willow and Rattan are natural products (reeds and creepers).
A little water will not harm them but prolongedsoaking is not recommended as this will make the willow, or rattan, more pliable and the basket may lose it’s shape.
The African “Bolga” baskets are ok with a bit of moisture but don’t allow them to stay that way. Dry them out asap or they may develop black marks
Yes we do, apart from garden ironwork which is too awkward to courier. if you have seen us at a show and know what it is that you want then please contact us and we will try to help out. We attend many events throughout the year so hopefully there will be one near you.
Delivery can be arranged, by courier. Please contact us for a quote.