Now if you like a good tongue, I reckon that Winston is your boy.
What a beauty. Little Winston, here, was definitely feeling the heat today at Wanbourough Fair.
What a great day, and such brilliant weather. A really good crowd rolled up and saw the carnival floats roll in.
There was plenty of entertainment including “Wanborough’s Got Talent”
But for me the real competition was between the local MP and the Punch & Judy Show
I know which one the children found more enjoyable !!
And if that didn’t tickle your fancy there was always the “Greasy Pole” Game.
Good day all round really. But I couldn’t let “Winston” take all the glory, could I ?
Take a look at “Monty”, such a beautiful face on this soft coated wheaten terrier.
Wanborough was a great day and we hope to be invited back next year.